On April 11, CMS, DOL and the Treasury Department issued guidance to health plans clarifying coverage requirements for private payers in the CARES Act and the FFCRA. Under the bills, commercial health plans are required to provide access to COVID-19 testing and visits for care related to the virus through doctor's offices, urgent care centers, and emergency departments available at no cost. CMS also said that the mandates will extend to antibody testing once it's made more readily available.
Some Health Plans have also agreed to provide treatment for COVID related illness/infection with no member out of pocket expenses. America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) and the Plans have requested Congress to expand the subsidies to low income individuals and families, and renewed the push for expansion of Medicaid in those states that have not adopted the expansion under the ACA to provide additional coverage for the uninsured or those that lose coverage during the economic shut down.