As I reflect on the first quarter of my Chair Year, I am in awe of the hard work and dedication of so many Health Law Section volunteer leaders. Because of you, the Health Law Section continues to be a success. That is why I want to dedicate this month’s Chair’s column to all the volunteer leaders. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
As many of you may know, the Health Law Section’s Interest Groups (IGs) are responsible for a significant amount of the Section’s content. Coordinating and overseeing all 20 IGs and creating a forum for networking is not an easy task. The Section has IGs that focus on practice areas, educational outreach, and networking and engagement. I would like to give special thanks to Elizabeth Greene who oversees this large task. She has done a fantastic job, and I am very appreciative of her service. In addition to Elizabeth’s service, I would also like to pay special thanks to Andy Liu for his hard work leading the Healthcare Fraud & Compliance Interest Group and to J.J. Rodriguez for his outstanding leadership heading the Healthcare Litigation & Risk Management Interest Group.
This year, former Chairs Joyce Hall and Hal Katz have also done a tremendous job leading the Stewardship Committee. Because of their efforts, I am proud to announce that the Section has raised close to $25,000 to date for the Program Support Fund, which encourages and supports attorney pro bono activities in communities across the United States. These funds will help support the Section’s mission. Thank you, Joyce and Hal.
As part of my vision for the Section, I assigned former Chair Clay Countryman to lead a committee dedicated to partnerships and collaborations with other organizations. He has taken the lead and continues to bring opportunities to the Section and its members. Thank you, Clay.
Finally, I want to thank the Council and Section Officers for their support and dedication to the Section. With volunteer leaders like you, I have no doubt the Section will continue to succeed. I look forward to our continuing success in 2024!