My involvement in the Health Law Section (HLS) is without question the highlight of my professional career. I have participated in various organizations over my many years of practice, but none has been as rewarding in so many ways as my membership in the HLS. I wish the same for each of you.
Years ago, I moved from a nice local practice to a global firm that had expectations for involvement and client development that were different and new to me. I was tasked with becoming involved in the HLS. I looked at the website and identified an Interest Group (IG) that suited how I wished to build my practice, the Health Care Facilities and Operations (HCFO) IG. I wasn’t sure how to go forward but I cold-called the then-HCFO Chair, Alexandria McCombs, and told her I was interested in getting involved. As with everyone I have known in the HLS, she was welcoming and encouraging. She connected me with the group, explaining that I could write articles, present ideas for webinars, and, most importantly, attend the live conferences. I took her up on all of these suggestions and became an HCFO Vice-Chair, attended conferences, met people, joined other committees, and eventually was appointed to HLS leadership. I have never looked back.
With so many of us now used to working from home and being bombarded by client/firm/employer demands, it can be difficult to find a reason to pry ourselves out of our comfort zones and get involved in a group such as the HLS. However, through my involvement, I have learned so much, including how to be a leader, and made amazing connections. This is how you build a sustainable practice. I have good HLS friends whom I can ask sticky legal questions, request documents (de-identified of course) from, share life’s moments with, and truly enjoy seeing at the conferences. It doesn’t happen overnight, but with some time and diligence, the HLS can be one of your greatest professional resources. You just need to raise your hand, make that commitment, and follow through. The rewards are amazing. I thank all of you who have already made that leap and contributed so wonderfully to this group. The HLS is nothing without you. We greatly appreciate new faces, ideas, and voices, of all types.