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Help Support the Good Works for the Cancer Legal Advocacy Interest Group

Make Your Tax-Deductible Gift Today

Will you help advance the cause? Acts of Congress and those produced by Mother Nature do not stop cancer in its tracks.  The disease doesn’t discriminate and no family is immune.  All of us know someone whose life was changed by a diagnosis of cancer.  Make your tax-deductible gift today!

Did you know that the Cancer Legal Advocacy Interest Group (CLA IG) has:

Our Mission: To help attorneys, social workers, and others affected by cancer and other life-threatening diseases find the resources they need to shuffle through all the confusing and mind-boggling legal issues people with cancer and their families struggle to understand.

Partnering with Other Organizations:  Collaborating with other organizations, we are able to keep those working with people affected by cancer appraised of changes in the legal landscape.

Funding Sources: At present, much of our funding comes from the generosity of donors like you, and our fundraising activities such as our Annual Fun Run/Walk. Your gift will help us expand our audience and train even more attorneys. 

We hope that you will support us with your gift so we can continue to provide resources to lawyers, social workers, and others who assist people with cancer and the families wade through the many legal challenges associated with a life-threatening illness.

Send Your Tax Deductible Gift Today. To make a donation to Cancer Advocacy through the ABA Fund for Education, the 501c3 arm of the Association, please click here.