The Health Law Section sponsors a number of awards and intiatives, designed to honor health law professionals and promote the those dedicated to enhancing the practice of health law.
Health Law Section Awards and Initiatives
Recognition of our members making an impact and programs to support the Section’s key initiatives.
Champion of Diversity Award
This award honors an ABA Health Law Section member who has made exceptional efforts to promote diversity and inclusion within the Section and/or the legal profession.
Emerging Young Lawyers in Healthcare Award
The Emerging Young Lawyers in Healthcare Award honors young lawyer Section members who exemplify a broad range of achievement, vision, leadership, and legal and community service in health law.
Regional Law Firm Recognition
Recognizes top firms and attorneys for answering this call to professionalism, for engaging the challenging health law issues of the day, and for their efforts to address healthcare clients’ complex problems through their membership in the ABA Health Law Section.
Diversity & Inclusion Fellowship
The ABA Health Law Section Diversity & Inclusion Fellowship Award will be awarded to up to five Young Lawyers who, are actively practicing health law, and interested in expanding their career development opportunities through networking within the Health Law Section.
Health Law Student Writing Competition
The ABA Health Law Student writing competition open to any law student in good standing and currently enrolled in an ABA-accredited law school, over the age of 21, and who is a citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States.
Law Student Scholarship Program
The ABA Health Law Section sponsors an Annual Scholarship Program for law students interested in the health law field to attend its Annual Emerging Issues in Healthcare Law Conference.