Business Ledger/Bookkeeping Software
The ledger is a goldmine of information. Often, transactions on this ledger—and how they are deducted—can shed light on the possible dissipation or diversion of funds designed to lower apparent income. The ledger can also reveal why there might be a decrease in personal income but not a corresponding decrease in monthly spending. Business owners may try their best to divert funds to keep the other party from their rightful share or dilute the value of the business overall. Examples of ledger manipulations include (1) payments of personal expenses; (2) large purchases that are not business related; and (3) inappropriate write-offs.
Appointment Books/Software
Some businesses that offer a service utilize a calendaring system to track appointments. Some systems indicate forms of payment, whether credit card, cash, or check. Being able to access the calendaring system and cross-check against the business ledger and/or bank statements can reveal if there is an inaccuracy in reported revenue.
Business Assets
Be aware of any tangible asset a business may hold (e.g., vehicles and heavy equipment). Some owners will deflate or undervalue the asset to reduce the business value overall. Other owners may sell the asset at rock-bottom prices to business associates or family to remove it from the valuation only to reacquire the asset after the divorce is finalized.
Private Investigators
If your client feels that monies were received but that there is another account out there that is not disclosed, you have another option to hunt it down. Although not cheap, some private investigators can run a search through to see if any accounts are open under the party’s name anywhere within the United States. This can even be done internationally, but the cost is high; there really needs to be a large amount of funds missing to justify the cost. If the expense is worth it, private investigators can locate accounts opened all over the world under a party’s name, and that information can also be used to inquire further, either through additional discovery requests or through a deposition.
If an account is found, assets overseas for victims of fraud in divorce cases can be recovered under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT). If a spouse lies about an asset in court or there is some indication of fraudulent activity, then MLAT could be utilized to secure the hidden asset. An attorney can pursue enforcement and freeze an account through an MLAT order.
Forensic Accountants
These accountants can also work to trace funds and determine if there are any irregularities that suggest fraud. They can create spreadsheets to show the flow of income coming in and going out for the time frame provided to them. Forensic accountants have access to databases that can locate assets ranging from real property to boats, investments, and corporate interests. With this information they help sniff out intentional depreciation of assets.
Overpayment of the IRS or Other Creditors
If the other party overpays, the party can get the refund after the divorce is final. Be sure to review the amount owed for taxes against the amount paid.
Spouses may do this with credit cards that are listed in their own name. Look to see if there are any overpayments here and the date that the payment was made. If the payment was made during the marriage, it could be considered a marital asset as well.
Loans to Family or Friends
Many spouses show up with newly minted IOUs to family members and/or friends to establish phony loans or expenses. The party proceeds to pay this “loan” to the family members or friends, knowing full well that all the money will be returned after the divorce is final.
Mortgage Closing Documents
These documents are a wealth of information as they require parties to list all assets and liabilities. The parties are also required to list all sources of income, so if there is a revenue stream that was not previously listed, this is a great starting point to find it.
Some parties are turning to opening cryptocurrency wallets or placing their investments in cryptocurrency exchanges. Many owners of cryptocurrency use a third-party service called an “exchange” to hold the private keys. Alternatively, a spouse could place keys in offline wallets that could be difficult to find. Keep track of any hard drives in the home, don’t assume that they have no value, and don’t throw anything out. If you see any cryptocurrency exchange apps, hear your spouse talking about crypto investments, or see that your spouse suddenly has access to funds that are not originating from known income sources, then a forensic expert could be brought in to search for cryptocurrency tickers or keys for digital wallets.
Social Media
Some spouses use social media to document their stories and “show off.” So many people feel the urge to post every high-end purchase, vacation, and overall lifestyle for the world to see. If you are able to dig through a party’s social media account on platforms such as TikTok or Instagram, you might be pleasantly surprised at how much information is provided to you on a silver platter.
Before the marriage faltered, the financial picture had a certain look and a steady flow of income. There is a point where it changed, and, as the divorce professionals, our job is to locate when and where the change began to occur. Once the point is found, it can be clear when the deceptions started. You have the road map now showing where to look so the hidden assets can reveal themselves easily. Once you reveal them, the other party will struggle to maintain credibility. By this time, it is too late. Checkmate.