- Check out these American Bar Association books and web resources on topics related to election law.
Searching for additional resources in election law? Take a look at the ABA publications below, and check out the helpful links to website resources hosted by the GPSolo Division and the ABA. To order any of the products listed below, call the ABA Service Center at 800/285-2221 or visit our website at
Edited by Benjamin E. Griffith and John Hardin Young (ABA Section of State and Local Government Law; 2019; 5330249; $99.95; member price $79.96)
The authors challenge us to think of a political system in new ways with a focus on our founders’ goal of a more perfect union. This book is a must-read for anyone concerned about our political future.
By Jan Witold Baran (ABA Business Law Section; 2015; 5070694; $79.95; member price $59.95)
This book covers the fast-changing landscape of campaign finance and lobbying laws. It begins with a discussion about campaign finance rules, political action committees (PACs), and campaign communications and activities by and at the corporation. Also addressed are lobbying laws, tax considerations, and enforcement.
By Martha A. Mills (ABA Book Publishing; 2015; 5310443EBK; $47.95; member price $38.36)
This book is an inside look at one woman’s struggle for civil and voting rights in Mississippi and Illinois in the 1960s and 1970s. In this engaging description of a life spent breaking down barriers, Martha Mills describes living and working in an ardent segregationist culture fraught with danger and filled with both heroes and villains.
By Robert Schafer (ABA Judicial Division; 2021; 5230303; $59.95; member price $47.95)
This book proposes a manageable standard for resolving gerrymandering without the entanglements of justiciability and political questions, focusing on the mechanism by which gerrymandering operates, not on the outcome.
Edited by Linda Strite Murnane, Renee Dopplick, and Caryl Ben Basat (ABA International Law Section; 2022; 5210313; $59.95; member price $47.95)
This book celebrates a century of progress for women’s voting rights and offers thought leadership on challenges and opportunities for fully realizing gender equality and women’s empowerment, particularly their full and meaningful inclusion in political life and leadership.
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