Risk and Regulation for Self-Driving Trucks and Automation in the Trucking Industry
Adopting automation in the trucking industry presents unique challenges and opportunities for trucking companies and their lawyers.
Volume 40, Issue 6
Adopting automation in the trucking industry presents unique challenges and opportunities for trucking companies and their lawyers.
While California and other states are imposing lofty goals for reducing the emissions of heavy-duty trucks, the practical obstacles remain.
It will take leadership at the federal level to ensure that truck parking is established where it is needed for both truck drivers’ health and public safety.
Reducing truck driver fatigue and highway accidents are worthy policy objectives, but invasion of personal rights must also be considered.
The Supreme Court has articulated Dormant Commerce Clause tests to analyze state regulations, review state user fees, and analyze state taxes.
These technology-related gifts, ranging in price from less than $20 to several thousand dollars, are suitable for almost everyone on your list—friends, family, employees, and even yourself.
Both consumers and manufacturers will be impacted by right-to-repair laws soon to take effect in several states.
The year 2024 promises to be an eventful one for the trucking industry. This issue of GPSolo will get you up to speed on the immensely complex world of transportation law.
Portable translators are useful not only when you travel abroad but also in your daily law practice here at home, whether you are communicating with clients and witnesses or double-checking a human t…
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Cars have been deemed a “privacy nightmare on wheels,” as car brands have turned their vehicles into powerful data-gobbling machines.
Your clients are more likely to pay promptly for legal services if they actually understand what they are paying for.