Every year or so, the manufacturers of the hardware we rely on try to figure out how to improve their products (or make us think they have) enough to induce us to replace our devices with new ones. Each time they offer a new and improved version of the devices we depend on, we need to decide whether to keep our current device or invest in the newer, presumably better model. As a general rule, you can count on the fact that the newer iteration of the device will have a better this or a fancier that. The improved this or that may make a real difference in the functionality of the device, but most of the time, the difference will prove relatively incidental. Sometimes (although not too often), a manufacturer will radically revise a device to create something significantly different. While this does not mean you really need to upgrade, it makes the decision to upgrade somewhat easier than it is with an incrementally improved iteration.
As this problem faces all of us on a regular and continually recurring basis, we thought that we should use this article to answer many of the questions we receive from friends, colleagues, and readers at this time of year relating to whether they should upgrade their [insert the name of your device].
Most of our devices tend toward the expensive to acquire. In truth, they may not prove so expensive when you consider the time they can save us and the services they provide to us, but if you upgrade every time the manufacturer improves the product, you will end up spending an incredible amount of money on hardware. For example, if you buy a $1,000 mobile phone and keep it for three years, it costs you about $300 a year (you can probably trade it in for about $100 at the end of the three years). If you upgrade to a new $1,000 phone each year, it will probably cost around $700 a year (you can probably get around $300 for a one-year-old model in good condition). You can sometimes get special pricing for some devices by using discount programs through providers that tie you to long-term service contracts. You can also find some special financing arrangements from manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung (both of which also offer the ability to trade in certain older devices). While all of that is interesting, it begs the real question: Do you really need to upgrade or not?
Notice that we used the term “need” and not “want.” Wanting to upgrade often has little or no relationship to actual need. We make no attempt to account for your personal proclivities, your desire to have the newest and the best of whatever device is under consideration, or your belief that at the end of the day, the person with the most and best toys wins.
While we admit that at various times in our history we have adopted those beliefs, we recognize that they have no functional validity. Accordingly, we disregard those propensities in this article and focus on the bottom line. Accordingly, we ignore the maxims “if it’s new, I need it!” and “it’s tax deductible, so the government pays for part of it.” Instead, we focus on the maxims relevant to this analysis, including “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” and “If it still works well, why replace it?”
So, how do we decide when to upgrade hardware?
Tip 1. There Is No “One Size Fits All” Rule
Different people have different needs, and the user’s individual needs should serve as the primary focus in the analysis. Depending on how you use the device and what changes the manufacturer made, it may prove advisable for you to upgrade to the new model, while the person down the hall has no need to do so. Look at your usage of the device and the changes made by the manufacturer and determine if those changes will materially impact its utility to you and your workflow.