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Advance Health Care Directive Checklist


  • This checklist outlines the most common types of advance health care directives across the United States and basic information regarding each type of advance health care directive.
  • This checklist includes information regarding advance health care directives, appointing health care agents, and making end-of-life decisions.
  • This checklist also covers making mental health care decisions and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) releases.
Advance Health Care Directive Checklist
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This checklist outlines and provides basic information regarding the most common types of advance health care directives across the United States, including information regarding the appointment of health care agents, making end-of-life decisions, making mental health care decisions, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) releases.

Advance Directives Naming a Health Care Agent

Purpose and Use

  • States generally allow a person (the principal) to appoint another person (the agent) to make health care decisions, receive protected health information, or both, on the principal’s behalf.
  • In many states, the document used to name a health care agent is a standard form used throughout the state and may be a statutory form (for example, 755 ILCS 45/4-10; N.C.G.S. § 32A-25.1; Cal. Prob. Code § 4701; N.Y. Pub. Health Law § 2981(5)). Among states that provide a statutory form, some:
    • require counsel to substantially adhere to the statutory form when drafting health care directives (for example, Ala. Code § 22-8A-4(h)); or
    • provide that the form is not a mandatory form (for example, Cal. Prob. Code § 4700). However, in these states it is still generally advisable to use the statutory form language where possible since health care providers and institutions in the state are more familiar with the statutory form.
  • Terminology for these documents differs by state. For example, in some states they are called:
    • health care proxies (for example, N.Y. Pub. Health Law § 2980(8));
    • designations of health care surrogate (for example, § 765.202, Fla. Stat.);
    • health care or medical powers of attorney (for example, Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. § 166.164); or
    • advance directives for health care (for example, Md. Code Ann., Health-Gen. § 5-601(b)).
  • An advance directive naming a health care agent typically addresses the appointment of a health care agent and the agent’s powers. In some states, it might also address issues including:
    • end-of-life decisions (for example, N.J.S.A. 26:2H-67 to 26:2H-69);
    • organ donation and anatomical gifts (for example, O.C.G.A. §§ 31-32-7(e)(5) and 44-5-143); and
    • mental health treatment, though some states require this be done in a separate document (for example, N.J.S.A. 26:2H-102 to 26:2H-128 and see Advance Directives Regarding Mental Health Treatment, below).
  • Depending on state law and elections made by the principal, an advance directive naming a health care agent typically may be effective either:
    • on the principal’s incapacity (for example, Cal. Prob. Code § 4658); or
    • immediately once it is signed, however, the principal’s decisions are typically honored first if the principal has capacity (for example, Md. Code Ann., Health-Gen. § 5-602(e)).


  • Though it varies by state, an advance directive naming a health care agent generally empowers an agent to act on the principal’s behalf but does not necessarily specify the principal’s wishes. In those cases, absent a separate advance directive specifying the principal’s wishes, such as the principal’s wishes regarding end-of-life care (see Advance Directives Regarding End-of-Life Care, below), the agent makes decisions under standards imposed by law (for example, in the principal’s best interests).
  • Typically, only an acting agent can receive protected health information and medical records necessary to make informed decisions about the principal’s care unless the principal has also executed a stand-alone HIPAA release that gives the agent immediate authority to receive this information (see HIPAA Releases, below.)
  • Depending on state law, the advance directive naming a health care agent might not address other health-related issues, such as:
    • disposition of remains;
    • organ donation;
    • specific instructions regarding mental health treatment; and
    • the client’s specific wishes regarding end-of-life care.


  • Generally, any competent adult may execute an advance directive naming a health care agent.
  • Depending on state law, a guardian for a minor may be able to designate a health care agent for the minor (for example, § 765.2035, Fla. Stat.).
  • Execution requirements for an advance directive naming a health care agent vary by state. States may:
    • require the principal to sign the advance directive in the presence of two witnesses who also sign the document (for example, N.Y. Pub. Health Law § 2981(2); Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 19a-576(a)); or
    • allow the principal to choose whether to sign the advance directive in the presence of two witnesses or before a notary (for example, Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. § 166.154; Cal. Prob. Code § 4673(a)(3)).
  • When state law requires an advance directive naming a health care agent to be witnessed, the witnesses typically must be adults (for example, § 765.202(1), Fla. Stat.). State law may also have other restrictions, such as that one or both witnesses cannot be:
    • related to the principal by blood, marriage, or adoption (for example, Cal. Prob. Code § 4674(e));
    • a person appointed as health care agent in the advance directive (for example, O.C.G.A. § 31-32-5(c)(2));
    • the principal’s health care provider (for example, N.C.G.S. § 32A-16(6)); or
    • a person who would be entitled to any portion of the principal’s estate on the principal’s death (for example, Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. § 166.003(2)(c)).
  • Some states require that the health care agent accept the appointment in writing before the agent’s appointment becomes effective (for example, Ala. Code § 22-8A-4(b)).


  • Unless an advance directive naming a health care agent provides otherwise, it typically is effective until the principal dies or revokes it.
  • A principal, if competent, may typically revoke an advance directive naming a health care agent at any time. The requirements for a valid revocation vary by state but typically allow a principal to revoke an advance directive naming a health care agent by actions such as:
    • notifying the agent or a health care provider orally or in writing (for example, N.Y. Pub. Health Law § 2985(1)(a); § 765.104, Fla. Stat.);
    • physically destroying the advance directive document (for example, 755 ILCS 45/4-6(a));
    • executing a new advance directive naming a health care agent that conflicts with the first one (for example, Md. Code Ann., Health-Gen. § 5-604(a)(1)); or
    • including an expiration date in the advance directive (for example, N.Y. Pub. Health Law § 2981(5)(c)).

Advance Directives Regarding End-of-Life Care

Purpose and Use

  • States generally allow a principal to sign a document that gives instructions regarding the principal’s decisions for end-of-life care.
  • Terminology for these documents differs by state. For example, in some states they are called:
    • living wills (for example, 10 NYCRR § 400.21(b)(3)); or
    • directives to physicians (for example, Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. § 166.031(1)).
  • An advance directive regarding end-of-life care typically sets out the conditions under which life-prolonging procedures should be withdrawn to let the body die naturally.
  • An advance directive regarding end-of-life care may be used either alone or along with a document appointing a health care agent (see Advance Directives Naming a Health Care Agent, above). If there is no agent appointed for a principal, the principal’s physician typically uses the information in an advance directive regarding end-of-life care as guidance when treating the principal (for example, Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. § 166.038(c)).
  • An advance directive regarding end-of-life care can help an appointed health care agent or the treating physician understand the principal’s wishes when difficult decisions are required and can help avoid disputes regarding end-of-life care decisions.


  • An advance directive regarding end-of-life care typically only addresses decisions that must be made if the principal has a terminal disease or is in another type of end-of-life situation with no reasonable hope of recovery, such as decisions regarding whether to administer life-sustaining treatment, and is therefore not suitable for addressing every issue that could arise regarding a client’s health care.
  • Though it varies by state, an advance directive regarding end-of-life care generally lays out the principal’s wishes in limited end-of-life circumstances but may not empower an agent to carry out those wishes. In this case, the principal may need to sign a separate advance directive naming a health care agent if the principal wants to empower an agent to:
    • carry out the principal’s wishes; and
    • make broader decisions regarding the principal’s health care on topics and issues not necessarily addressed in the advance directive regarding end-of-life care.

(See Advance Directives Naming a Health Care Agent, above.)

  • An advance directive regarding end-of-life care generally does not authorize the release of the principal’s protected health information. The principal may need to sign a stand-alone HIPAA release if the principal wants to grant trusted individuals access to the principal’s protected health information (see HIPAA Releases, below).
  • Depending on state law, an advance directive regarding end-of-life care may not address situations like:
    • appointment of a health care agent;
    • disposition of remains;
    • organ donation; or
    • mental health care.


  • Generally, any competent adult may execute an advance directive regarding end-of-life care.
  • Execution requirements for an advance directive regarding end-of-life care vary by state. States may:
    • require the principal to sign the advance directive in front of two witnesses (for example, Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 19a-575); or
    • allow the principal to choose whether to sign the advance directive in the presence of two witnesses or before a notary (for example, Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 15-18-106(1)).
  • When state law requires an advance directive regarding end-of-life care to be witnessed, the witnesses typically must be at least 18 years old (for example, 755 ILCS 35/3(b)). State law may also have other restrictions, such as that one or both witnesses cannot be:
    • a spouse or blood relative of the principal (for example, § 765.302(1), Fla. Stat.);
    • a person appointed as a health care representative for the principal (for example, Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. §§ 166.032(b) and 166.003(2)(A));
    • the principal’s attending physician (for example, Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. §§ 166.032(b) and 166.003(2)(D)); or
    • entitled to any portion of the principal’s estate under the laws of intestacy (for example, 755 ILCS 35/3(e)).


  • Unless an advance directive regarding end-of-life care states otherwise, it typically is effective until the principal dies or revokes it (for example, Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. § 166.041).
  • A principal, if competent, may typically revoke an advance directive regarding end-of-life care at any time. The requirements for a valid revocation vary by state but typically allow a principal to revoke an advance directive regarding end-of-life care by actions such as:
    • signing and dating a document revoking the advance directive (for example, 755 ILCS 35/5(a)(2));
    • physically destroying the advance directive document (for example, Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 15-18-109); or
    • executing a subsequent advance directive that is materially different from the previous version (for example, § 765.104(1)(d), Fla. Stat.).

Advance Directives Regarding Mental Health Treatment

Purpose and Use

  • While in many states an advance directive naming a health care agent empowers the agent to act regarding all types of health care decisions, including mental health treatment, in some states, an advance directive naming a health care agent is not sufficient to empower that agent to make decisions for the principal regarding mental health treatment. In those states, the principal signs a separate advance directive regarding mental health treatment specifying the principal’s wishes regarding mental health treatment.
  • Terminology for these documents differs by state. For example, in some states they are called:
    • declarations for mental health treatment (for example, 755 ILCS 43/10); or
    • advance directives for mental health care (for example, N.J.S.A. 26:2H-105).
  • An advance directive regarding mental health treatment typically addresses a principal’s wishes regarding all areas of mental health treatment, including:
    • psychotropic medication;
    • electroconvulsive therapy;
    • admission to and retention in a mental health facility;
    • preferences for emergency mental health treatment; and
    • selection of physician to treat mental health issues.
  • An advance directive regarding mental health treatment typically contains separate sections for each type of mental health treatment and allows the principal to choose whether the principal does or does not consent to each type of treatment. It also typically includes a section that allows the principal to provide any additional instructions or information that is not included in any other section of the document.
  • In some states, the advance directive regarding mental health care appoints a separate agent who is specifically authorized to make decisions regarding the principal’s mental health care (for example, 755 ILCS 43/15). In other states, the advance directive regarding mental health care does not appoint an agent and the principal’s physician acts in accordance with the advance directive when treating the principal (for example, Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 137.004).


  • An advance directive regarding mental health care typically only addresses decisions that must be made regarding the principal’s mental health treatment, and therefore is not suitable for addressing every issue that could arise regarding a client’s health care.
  • Though it varies by state, an advance directive for mental health care generally lays out the principal’s wishes in limited mental health care-related circumstances but may not empower an agent to carry out those wishes. In this case, the principal may need to sign a separate advance directive naming a health care agent if the principal wants to empower an agent to:
    • carry out the principal’s wishes; and
    • make broader decisions regarding the principal’s health care on topics and issues not necessarily addressed in the advance directive regarding mental health treatment.

(See Advance Directives Naming a Health Care Agent, above.)

  • An advance directive regarding mental health treatment generally does not authorize the release of the principal’s protected health information. If the principal may need to sign a stand-alone HIPAA release if the principal wants to grant trusted individuals access to the principal’s protected health information (see HIPAA Releases, below).


  • Generally, any competent adult may execute an advance directive regarding mental health care decisions.
  • Execution requirements for advance directive regarding mental health care decisions vary by state. States may:
    • require the principal to sign the document in front of two witnesses (for example, 755 ILCS 43/20);
    • allow the principal to sign the document in front of only one witness (for example, N.J.S.A. 26:2H-105(a)(1)); or
    • require that the principal’s signature either be notarized or witnessed by two or more subscribing witnesses (for example, Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 137.003(a)).
  • When state law requires an advance directive regarding mental health care to be witnessed, the witnesses typically must be at least 18 years old (for example, 20 Pa. C.S.A. § 5822(b)). State law may also have other restrictions, such as that one or both witnesses cannot be:
    • a person related to the principal by blood, marriage, or adoption (for example, 755 ILCS 43/65(3));
    • the principal’s designated mental health care representative (for example, N.J.S.A. 26:2H-105(b)); or
    • the principal’s mental health care provider (for example, 20 Pa. C.S.A. § 5822(c)(2)).


  • In some states, an advance directive regarding mental health treatment is effective only for a specific period after it is signed, assuming it has not been invoked or taken effect (for example, 755 ILCS 43/10(2); Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 137.002(b); 20 Pa. C.S.A. § 5824(e)). In other states, an advance directive regarding mental health treatment can be effective for an indefinite period if it does not include an expiration date (for example, N.J.S.A. 26:2H-106(a)(1)).
  • A principal, if competent, may typically revoke an advance directive regarding mental health treatment at any time. The requirements for a valid revocation vary by state but typically allow a principal to revoke an advance directive regarding mental health care by actions such as:
    • acting in a manner showing intent to revoke (for example, N.J.S.A. 26:2H-106(d)(1); Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 137.010(a)(2));
    • oral or written notification to the principal’s mental health care professional (for example, N.J.S.A. 26:2H-106(d)(1)); or
    • executing a new advance directive regarding mental health treatment (for example, Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 137.010(a)(3)).

HIPAA Releases

Purpose and Use

  • A HIPAA release allows an individual to authorize health care providers to release the individual’s protected health information to third parties (45 C.F.R. § 164.508).
  • In some states, an individual may authorize the release of health care information to an agent by executing either:
    • a stand-alone HIPAA release and authorization form; or
    • a state-specific advance health care directive.
  • The agent named in the HIPAA release generally has the same rights to access, inspect, and receive the individual’s protected health information as the individual does (45 C.F.R. § 164.502(g)(1)).
  • A stand-alone HIPAA release allows an individual to grant access to protected health information to people other than acting health care agents, such as:
    • a successor health care agent;
    • a trustee;
    • an attorney-in-fact under a financial power of attorney; or
    • a family member.
  • A stand-alone HIPAA release takes effect during the individual’s lifetime and remains in effect until an expiration date or event, which may be well after the individual’s death (45 C.F.R. §§ 164.502(f) and 164.508(c)(v)). This can be helpful, for example, in the case of any disputes after the individual’s death regarding the individual’s capacity when the individual created or changed an estate plan, or made any significant pre-death transfers.


  • A stand-alone HIPAA release only authorizes the release of protected health information to designated individuals, and therefore is not suitable for addressing every issue that could arise regarding a client’s health care.
  • A stand-alone HIPAA release does not grant an agent authority to act and does not provide information regarding the individual’s health care wishes. Additional documents, such as those appointing a health care agent and addressing end-of-life care, are needed to make sure the individual’s needs and wishes are addressed and that an agent has authority to carry out those wishes (see Advance Directives Regarding End-of-Life Care, above, and Advance Directives Naming a Health Care Agent, above).
  • A stand-alone HIPAA release is effective immediately. The individual signing a stand-alone HIPAA release grants the agent immediate access to the individual’s protected health information. If the individual wants an agent to have this access only on the principal’s incapacity, a stand-alone HIPAA release may not be advisable.
  • A HIPAA release does not authorize the release of psychotherapy notes. An authorization for the release of psychotherapy notes must be included in a separate document. (45 C.F.R. §§ 164.508(b)(3)(ii) and 164.524(a)(1)(i).)


  • The principal must sign and date a stand-alone HIPAA release (45 C.F.R. § 164.508(c)(1)(vi)).
  • At times, someone other than the individual may sign a stand-alone HIPAA release on the individual’s behalf (45 C.F.R. § 164.508(c)(1)(vi)). These people, referred to as personal representatives under the HIPAA regulations, include:
    • the health care agent for an adult or emancipated minor;
    • the parent or guardian of an unemancipated minor, in some situations; or
    • the fiduciary in charge of a deceased individual’s estate (typically referred to as an executor or a personal representative, depending on state law) (45 C.F.R. § 164.502(g)).


  • The principal may revoke a stand-alone HIPAA release at any time, except in certain circumstances where a HIPAA release is required for insurance coverage.
  • The revocation of a stand-alone HIPAA release must be in writing.
  • The written revocation is effective except to the extent an entity has acted in reliance on the existing release.

(45 C.F.R. § 164.508(b)(5).)

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