Orange You Glad You Noticed the Me-gotiation
An example can be found in a slight twist to a classic negotiation lesson. Imagine you are preparing a meal and plan to make two dishes. Both recipes call for an orange. You have one orange, and you don’t have time to get another. What do you do? At the surface level, you might think that you have no choice but to make only one dish. If you turn to the interests at stake, however, and ask yourself “why” you need an orange, everything changes. One recipe calls for the rind, the other for the juice. In an instant, the me-gotiation dissolves. While negotiations (and me-gotiations) tend not to be so easily resolved, headway can be made by dropping beneath the surface of positions and inquiring about the interests underlying them.
In practical terms, people can get locked into their positions. At such times, creative solutions become less accessible, and compromise becomes less tolerable. Even so, the technique of moving from positions to interests generates movement. If you delve into the needs, interests, and concerns underlying your own warring positions, you may find a compromise with which both you—and you—can live.
Moving from Oranges to Pizzas
Let’s say that you have a New Year’s resolution to not eat after 8:00 pm. One night, at 9:00 pm, you wander into the kitchen and find yourself looking into the fridge at a piece of leftover pizza. Hello, me-gotiation! Part of you wants to eat it, while another part of you is done eating for the evening. Which will prevail? And is it a zero-sum game where one part wins and the other loses?
There are three good reasons why turning from positions to interests can prove helpful. One is that identifying interests can loosen the rigidity of a fixed position and lead to the generation of a range of possible solutions. Another is that doing so can remind us of the deeply held values and concerns that prompted us to stake out the position in the first place. While neither of these reasons necessitates practicing mindfulness meditation, doing so can help us notice sooner when a me-gotiation arises in the first place and hold the focus on underlying interests.
Mindfulness Practice
One mindfulness practice involves placing attention on the breath and returning it to the breath each time we notice the mind wandering. This enables us to more readily detect the arising of thoughts—and inevitably of competing thoughts. Over time, we cultivate the capacity to hold steady and observe the interplay of different positions, as opposed to hastily resolving them. We also become less likely to confuse our true nature with the positions that we take. We might, for example, regard the more noble of two positions as an expression of our “true self” or “mindful self” (e.g., to manage impulses and not eat late) when, in fact, we are merely identifying with one position more than the other.
A core mindfulness insight is that we are not our positions—which are continually in flux, unpredictable, and changing—but the one who observes our positions. We are not the parties to an adversarial proceeding but the neutral third-party mediator who can observe the conflict and see the bigger picture. This brings us to the third reason to turn from positions to interests, and one that becomes increasingly available to us through ongoing mindfulness practice: to see things more clearly.
Seeing Things More Clearly
By practicing mindfulness and becoming more aware of our interior landscape of thoughts, feelings, and body sensations, we are better able to refrain from seeking immediate gratification (which ends a me-gotiation) and instead observe the me-gotiation as it plays out (for at least a little longer). Doing so, we not only gather more information to better flesh out our underlying interests, but we also realize with greater clarity the transient, fluctuating, and changing nature of the thoughts, feelings, and body sensations that comprise them and our positions. With this realization, the grip of urges and impulses loosens, and we can find ourselves better able to abide by a well-considered position or generate and select a thoughtful and practical alternative solution.
Life is complicated enough with the endless negotiations we have with other people. Whether navigating traffic, deciding where to go to dinner, or working on a business deal, it is often the case that we ourselves are conflicted at times. Sorting out these internal conflicts (e.g., “cut off that car” versus “be nice and let the driver in”) goes a long way to resolving external negotiations. As the new year has just begun, keep an eye out for me-gotiations, drop beneath the surface, ask yourself “why” a position matters to you, and see what might begin to shift.