Welcome to the latest installment of our monthly Q&A column, where a panel of experts answers your questions about using technology in your law practice.
This month we answer readers’ questions about how to find a needle in your haystacks of documents and what tools you can use to securely communicate with your clients over the Internet.
Q: How Can I Search Through a Ton of Old Documents on My Law Firm Server?
A: Two free Windows searching utilities are what you need. Everything searches file names in a flash. AnyTXT Searcher does full-text searches through all your drives.
Do you need to find an old letter you wrote on a legal issue? Perhaps only your more recent documents are quickly available in your practice management system.
I rely on Everything all the time to find old files by name or partial name. The utility’s creator is in Australia. Everything is so much faster than clicking through folders, even when you know where a file is. Everything is free and well-maintained. It does not bog down the way Windows Search does.
If you want Everything to search the server from your computer, you need to add one or more (or all) of your server folders to the search parameters in Everything by selecting Tools > Options > Folders > Add. You may need to type \\ ServerName to show the server folders.
AnyTXT Searcher is another excellent, free utility. Its creator is in Singapore. AnyTXT Searcher indexes the contents of all the documents in all your drives. You can select which file extensions to include in the indexes. Searching inside documents is fast and flexible. You can search using the symbols & (and), | (or), and ! (not), along with words in quotation marks and parentheses to refine your searches. Just press F1 for Help with advanced searches.
Looking for a needle in your haystacks of documents? The free utilities Everything and AnyTXT Searcher are your friends.
Techie: Wells H. Anderson, JD, GPSolo eReport Contributing Technology Editor and CEO of SecureMyFirm, 952/922-1120, www.securemyfirm.com—we protect small firms from cyber threats with affordable, multiple layers of defense.