Why You Should Never Negotiate Your Fees
Sometimes, the very best decision you can make as an attorney is to say no to clients who do not feel you are worth the fees you have quoted them.
Volume 13, Issue 2
Sometimes, the very best decision you can make as an attorney is to say no to clients who do not feel you are worth the fees you have quoted them.
This month’s column considers two different pathways to stress reduction and how they can work together.
The final installment of this series explores how flexible workplace accommodations and an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical to retention efforts by the Judge Advocate General…
Staying in touch with clients, colleagues, associates, and friends can be pivotal for your law practice—and your life.
The author reviews three major political events that impacted her life and how she looks at the world.
So, what one thing could make your life better right now? The answer can put you on a focused path to discover the next step in your work as well as your life.
This month’s tech Q&A column answers your questions about how to find a needle in your haystack of documents and what tools you can use to securely communicate with your clients over the Internet.
Technological And Practice Advice to help you become more efficient and effective. This month: tips for keeping your data secure at home.
This article provides a basic overview of qualified domestic relations orders (QDROs) relating to the division of benefits under employer-sponsored retirement plans.
As the movement to reclassify gig workers as employees gains momentum, employers and their legal counsel in every state should pay close attention to the impact of California Assembly Bill 5, the “Gi…