4. Consistently Closing My Door to Focus Without Distraction and Not Feeling Bad about It
Sure, this can be hard, but how many times do team members come to you with, “Do you have two seconds?” Those seconds can easily add up to 20 or 30 minutes. Close your door and get to work, so you can focus without distraction.
5. Delegating a Lot
The more you delegate, the better. Your productivity ultimately comes down not to how much you can get done but how much you can delegate. Make sure you are doing things in your office that only you should be doing, and delegate all the rest. Attorney and author John Morgan once said, “delegate ruthlessly,” and I do so each and every day whenever I can.
6. Creating Good Systems for Repetitive Tasks
Many things we do each day are repetitive. Make sure you create good and lean systems for completing these tasks. Always be on the lookout for ways to streamline these tasks as much as possible, and, of course, delegate to others as many as possible of those tasks that you don’t need to do yourself.
7. Leveraging Automation as Much as Possible
Technology needs to be fully embraced and utilized because it will increase your personal productivity substantially. The better you use technology, the more productive you will become. If you want to save massive amounts of time, make sure you are fully utilizing ChatpGPT because it is a big blue ocean of possibilities.
8. Hiring Really Good People
The better the people you hire, the more you can delegate. Plus, you will know that the work will get done the right way without your needing to check it very much. This is so very important, and far too many lawyers hire anybody just because they get a little desperate and need help. Always, always, always hire slow, no matter how desperate you are to fill a position.
9. Embracing the Idea That Done Is Always Better Than Perfect
This is perhaps the most important tip of all. If you try to make everything perfect, you are going to waste considerable time. Nothing will ever be “just right,” so get whatever you are working on at any given time out the door and move on to the next thing. Perfect is never happening anyway.
Do you have other ideas that you use to maximize your personal productivity so that you work less? If so, I would love to hear from you, so please email me at [email protected].