If you are a solo, this is especially important because many solos drown in repetitive tasks. Solos who are tired of doing the busywork should consider hiring full- or part-time help to come to the office to handle tasks that need to be delegated. Virtual help is also an option gaining more and more traction with lawyers. There is no shortage of websites that can connect you to hard-working people throughout the country, as well as the entire world, who would love to take on the busywork you are tired of doing.
Regardless of whether or not you are a solo, the key first is to make a true and honest assessment of what you do each day. Do you spend precious time making copies? Do you order office supplies? Do you go to the post office? Do you do things you have absolutely no business doing? These little things really add up over time to significant hours of lost productivity. Therefore, begin today to delegate to others those things you need to stop doing. For a brutally honest exercise, figure out what your hourly rate is for your time. Then, ask yourself if you would pay someone your hourly rate to do a particular task that you do yourself. If the answer is no, then that work needs to be delegated to someone else to do.
Delegation, however, needs to be done correctly for maximum results. When delegating, always be clear about how the work should be done, what the finished result should look like, and when the work should be completed. Really good communication when delegating is very important.
Delegation can be made exponentially easier by standardization. This is where systems will set you free. Everything should be systematized in your office. If you put down in writing your systems for performing the work you want to delegate around the office, you save considerable time by not having to take time to explain how to do particular tasks. A simple checklist can break down the way the work should be done, what it should ultimately look like when done, and how long it should take to get done.
You will find the more you delegate, the more enjoyable and rewarding your practice becomes. This is because effective delegation will make you more money by allowing you to focus only on high-level, productive work. More importantly, it also reduces the busywork that adds needless stress to your day. Commit today to delegate just one thing you need to stop doing. Do the same thing tomorrow. You will quickly wonder why you did those things yourself for so long. Email me at [email protected] and let me know how you make out.