Professional Development Message to the Members, Summer 2023 By Edward Monahan, Editor in Chief A message from Editor in Chief Edward Monahan to members of the Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division and all readers of The Public Lawyer.
Federal Government Shaping the Legal Landscape: From Bill Drafting to Statutory Interpretation By Abbie M. Gruwell A few simple guidelines can help you feel more confident the next time you pick up a proposed law or attempt to amend one to address your client’s interests.
Government Book Review: Lawyer, Jailer, Ally, Foe: Complicity and Conscience in America’s World War II Concentration Camps by Eric L. Muller Reviewed by Wendy Muchman Every lawyer’s responsibility for the quality of justice is at the foundation of a timely new book focusing on the role of three lawyers working at the Japanese internment camps in post-1942 America.
Litigation & Trials High-Profile Litigation: Defending Governmental Entities By Liani Reeves Although high-profile litigation is unpredictable, you can take steps to ensure that your agency is best prepared to navigate a very public and disruptive litigation process.
Government ABA Legal Education Police Practices Consortium: Law Schools Collaborating to Support Policing and Public Safety Reforms By Jessalyn Walker The Consortium’s virtual student fellowship program affords students from across the country an opportunity to work with and learn from one another and policing and public safety experts regarding promising approaches to community-police engagement.