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Career Concerns

Don't let stress take over your life

Don't let stress take over your life

Strategies to Increase Resilience and Avoid Burnout

Stress is an inherent aspect of life. A lawyer’s work is intellectually challenging but is performed within an adversarial context that often causes increased stress. Most lawyers face the common problem of trying to balance work, family, and community responsibilities. Failing to develop and utilize good habits to manage work/life stress can result in burnout. Resilience skills help lawyers think, feel, act, and relate to others in a way that enable them to withstand day-to-day stressors and challenges. In this free webinar, burnout and its causes, and warning signs are explained. Learn proactive strategies to build your stress resilience over the course of your career.

The Stress-Performance Link: Strategies to Increase Resilience and Avoid Burnout (