Nominations for GPSLD Council
Division Chair Janet Coulter has appointed this year's nominating committee. The three-member committee will consist of committee chair Hon. Susan Burke, District Court Judge, Hennepin County Government Center, 300 South 6th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55487-0999; Matthew Archer-Beck, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549; and Adele Rapport, 6700 N. Sheridan Road #1S, Chicago, IL 60626.
All officer positions will be up for election at the August 2018 ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago. (Please note that the current chair-elect automatically becomes chair for 2018-19, and the current chair automatically becomes immediate past chair for 2018-19 at the close of the 2018 Annual Meeting.) In addition, projected openings include seats for member-at-large and nominees of ABA affiliated organizations, ABA entities and state bars. Some incumbents may be renominated.
Members who wish to be considered, must send a letter of interest and bio, no later than April 6, 2018, to Judge Susan Burke, Chair, Nominating Committee, American Bar Association, GPSLD, 1050 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036 or to [email protected].
Leadership Positions Available
ABA Presidential Appointments
Every year, the ABA President-Elect makes appointments to ABA-wide standing and special committees and commissions. It is important that government and public sector lawyers be fully represented on such entities so that our special concerns will be heard. The Division recommends members for such positions.
If you are interested in a recommendation from the Division, please contact Alison Hill at 202-662-1024 or [email protected] and she will provide you with the appropriate form. The deadline to return the completed form is February 9, 2018.