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Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division Elections

Elections for officers and council members to be held virtually

Elections for officers and council members to be held virtually

The Division will hold the election for officers and council members virtually at the ABA Annual Meeting on Saturday, August 7, 2021. Officer positions include all but current Chair-Elect, Edward Monahan, who automatically becomes Division Chair and current Chair, Steve Vieux, who automati­cally becomes Immediate Past Chair at the close of the 2021 Annual Meeting.

Below are the nominees:

Wendy J. Muchman
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
Chicago, IL

Adele Rapport
Federal Attorney
Chicago, IL

Hon. Ira Sandron
National Labor Relations Board
Washington, DC

Liani Reeves
Of Counsel and President, Bullard Law
Portland, OR

Hon. Joan Burke
Administrative Law Judge
New Jersey Office of Administrative Law

(Four vacancies, four nominees)

Sylloris Lampkin
Jacksonville Office of Counsel
U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development

Richard Nunes
Assistant Public Defender
Bergen County Public Defender's Office
Hackensack, NJ

Jaime Villarreal
Fort Worth, TX

Matthew Wallace
United States Army
El Paso, TX

Affiliated Organization Nomination
(one vacancy, one nominee)
Brian Byun
Best Best & Krieger LLP
San Diego, CA
National Asian Pacific American Bar Association

ABA Entity Nominee:
(one vacancy, one nominee)
Gilda (Jill) Mariani
Senior Investigative Counsel
New York County District Attorney’s Office
Section of International Law