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Fall 2018

Vol. 28 No. 1   September 2018

Military & Veterans

Military Spouses Advocate for Lawyer Licensing Accommodations

“What brings you to this state so far from where you went to school/grew up/have roots?” This is an all-too common question for military spouse attorneys seeking a job outside their home state. And while it can be danced around with answers like, “Oh, my spouse’s job,” everyone knows the real answer: “The military sent us here.” Knowing that, the doubts and questions follow. How long will you be here? How committed are you to this job? Are you worth the time, effort, training, and money?

Media & Communications

View the Division Election Results, Listen to our Latest Podcasts, and Join our Committees!

The Division’s podcast series “Compelling Conversations with Colleagues” is now available on iTunes. Each podcast is a brief interview with a government lawyer – providing a wealth of information about careers in the public sector. Episodes include interviews with a city attorney, a JAG lawyer and a public defender. Search “ABA compelling conversations” on iTunes to find them. And please leave a review, it helps other listeners find the programs. Podcast episodes can also be found on our homepage at