Good Dogs
Good Dogs and the Law: Service, Emotional Support, Therapy and Facility Animals
Good Dogs and the Law: Service, Emotional Support, Therapy and Facility Animals
Service animals, emotional support or comfort animals, therapy animals, and facility dogs — enter the sometimes confusing world of dogs and the law. What are the differences between each and what laws affect each category?
This webinar will examine:
Section 35.136 of the Americans with Disabilities Act which covers service animals, reasonable accommodations as it pertains to housing and air travel under the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act for emotional support/comfort animals, how therapy animals differ from the above categories with generally no special rights of access, how facility dogs are used by prosecutor’s offices, Children’s Advocacy Centers, law enforcement, Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) programs and family courts including best practices when setting up a facility dog program.
Each registrant must log in to the webinar individually to receive credit. You must attend the entire webinar, including the Q&A, to receive CLE credit. Partial credit is not available.
The ABA uses an alert system for attendance verification. You are required to respond to verification alerts throughout the porgram to verify your attendance.
Please log in a few minutes before the start of the program.
This program is offered as a live, online class. Registrants may only participate through the live webinar.
To access the program:
Visit the program login page.
-Enter the unique PIN found in your confirmation email, including all preceding 0s. Please leave all other fields blank.
-Your PIN is your ABA member ID number or ABA customer ID (for non-members). aba/images/cle/abapin.jpg to see an example.
Download program materials.
After the program ends, if you have additional questions about the information covered in the program , please email them to [email protected].
To receive CLE credit, you must be logged into the webinar for the entire program.
Remain on the webinar after the program’s conclusion to complete the program evaluation and access the Attendance Confirmation and Request for Credit.
Your participation will be verified and your certificate will be automatically generated and emailed to you shortly after submitting the form.
If you are unable to complete the Attendance Confirmation and Request for Credit immediately after the program, you’ll receive an email with a link to access the evaluation and form a few hours after the program.
-Click “Join Meeting.”
-Check the volume level on your computer or device.
If you are disconnected during the webinar:
- If your webinar connection breaks during the live program, log back in as soon as possible to receive CLE credit.
- Immediately after the program, call Technical Support at 877-297-2901 to inform them that you were disconnected during the program. They’ll ask for your name and email address, which they will use to verify your total webinar connection time and give you further instructions to request CLE credit.
- Your total webinar room connection time must be verified before a CLE certificate can be issued.
Optional Teleconference Connection:
You must log into the webinar to participate and receive CLE credit but you have the option of listening to the program audio by telephone instead of computer. The webinar room is used to track and verify participation for CLE purposes. You do not need to dial into the program if you are logged into the webinar. If you are not logged into the webinar or prefer telephone audio, call 877-447-0294 (Conf ID 3144) ten minutes prior to the actual start time. If the phone disconnects during the live program, redial the number above as soon as possible to rejoin and continue listening.
Mandatory CLE Information
Visit our MCLE resources to learn more about how the ABA strives to support states' mandatory CLE requirements.
If you have any difficulty downloading any of the attachments, or connecting to the program, please contact Alison Hill at 202-662-1024 or [email protected].
Report webinar and certificate issues after the program. Following the program if you had technical problems or issues with your certificates click on the link below it will open the webinar help form. Select the type of issue you experienced and fill in all the required information. If your online connection broke during the webinar and had to reconnect you can use this form to report that so your total time can be combined and verified.
Webinar online help form: