Join one of our committees (committee chairs are in parentheses):
Awards: (Sylloris Lampkin) - Oversees the nomination and selection process of the Division's three national awards: the Dorsey Award for outstanding public defenders and legal aid attorneys, the Hodson Award for outstanding performance by a government or public sector law office, and the Nelson Award for outstanding contributions to the ABA by a government or public sector lawyer. Click here for more information.
Bylaws: (Al Purdue) - Reviews the GPSLD's bylaws and can recommend amendments.
CLE: (Judge Joan M. Burke) - Organizes presentations of the Division's CLE programs including the Division's successful ethics program.
Ethics: (Judge Edwin L. Felter, Jr.) - Reviews ethical issues relating to public lawyers.
Hot Topics (Ed Monahan) - The committee will monitor public law practice to determine if there are any issues that the division should investigate more deeply by, for instance, publishing an article, presenting a CLE program or sponsoring policy before the ABA House of Delegates.
International Pro Bono: (Judge Edwin L. Felter, Jr.) - Will provide members with information about pro bono opportunities around the world. Opportunities will require a variety of time commitments - from short term (several days) to longer (2-3 weeks or several months.) There are also opportunities to volunteer in the US on international matters.
Law Student Outreach: (Matt Archer-Beck) - Presents public lawyer career programs for law school students.
Membership: (Tim Nemechek) - Responsible for recruiting and retaining Division members.
Newsletter: (Abbie Gruwell) - Responsible for writing and soliciting articles for the Division's quarterly newsletter, Pass It On. The committee is chaired by the newsletter editor.
Pro Bono: (Daniel Collopy) - Responsible for pro bono activities of the Division including participating in the ABA's annual pro bonoconference.
Please email [email protected] if you are interested in joining a committee or if you have questions about committee participation.