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Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division

GPSLD provides publications, programming, and services designed for the unique needs of government lawyers; advocates for policies that benefit public lawyers; promotes professionalism; and recognizes excellence within the public sector. 

Message from GPSLD Chair, Judge Ira Sandron

I am most pleased to report that at the ABA Midyear Meeting in Phoenix, the House of Delegates passed GPSLD’s resolution regarding the safety and security of government employees.

Non-CLE Program Recording Available

Listen to "Conscious Consumerism and the Government’s Role in Regulating Companies’ Ethical Promises"

Conscious consumerism, the act of making purchases to effect positive change in the world, is common in today’s society. What happens when a company makes promises about its products or itself in order to attract conscious consumers but fails to live up to those promises? Does the law allow for this kind of exploitation of consumers’ expectations and values? Can deceived consumers obtain adequate relief on their own or should the government step in to help protect consumers from companies that make and then break their ethical promises? If the government did step in, what could that look like? Listen to a recording of the March 23, 2022 free non-CLE program where experts discuss the theoretical and practical dimensions of addressing this trending issue in consumer protection law.

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How to Manage Remote Employees

Tips for Managers

COMMUNICATION–Establish regularly scheduled check-ins and team meetings to ensure effective communication and camaraderie. When everyone is working remotely, it's more important than ever to establish a sense of normalcy by ensuring on-going communication among staff. INVOLVEMENT–Spend a few minutes before each meeting or check-in catching up with your remote employees. Ask a few questions about how they're holding up. It's important to put a more effort into your interpersonal connections when everyone is working remotely. APPRECIATION–Be generous with your praise. When a face-to-face thank you is not possible, it's even more important to remember to praise employees. If they've done a good job, tell them that you are grateful for their work. It may seem obvious, but a lot of supervisors forget the importance of showing gratitude to their employees.

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Virginia Solicitor General: Government Lawyers' Work is Critically Important

The work of government lawyers is “critically important to the balance of the rule of law,” Virginia Solicitor General Toby Heytens said during his speech at the American Bar Association Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division’s Legal Skills Conference held Oct. 18 at the Omni Richmond (Va.) Hotel.

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Join Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division

The Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division's mission is to serve the nation’s public lawyers. By promoting integrity and excellence among public advocates, providing meaningful services not obtainable elsewhere, and by highlighting the extraordinary work of public lawyers, GPSLD works to enhance the position of public lawyers, create camaraderie within the public sector, and provide representation within the ABA for public lawyers.

Contact Us

American Bar Association Government & Public Sector Lawyers Division 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036

GPSLD Committee Highlights

GPSLD's International Pro Bono Committee provides members with information about pro bono opportunities around the world. The Hot Topics Committee monitors public law practice to determine if there are any issues that the division should investigate more deeply by, for instance, publishing an article, presenting a CLE program or sponsoring policy before the ABA House of Delegates. To join either or both committees email [email protected]