- W1: Differential Treatment of Franchisees in Tough Economic Times
- W2: Savvy Litigation Strategies for the Franchise Lawyer
- W3: You Don't What to be a Franchise?--Structuring Business Systems Not to Qualify as Franchises
- W4: Going International: What Additional Restraints Will You Face?
- W5: The Five Most Litigated Provisions in the FDD
- W6: Best Practices in the Use of System Advertising and Marketing Funds
- W7: Regaining Your Trademark After Abandonment or Misappropriation
- W8: Streamlining the Franchise Disclosure Process: Creating and Implementing E-Disclosures in Franchise Systems
- W9: The Use of Consultants and Paraprofessionals in Franchising: Are You Aiding and Abetting the Unauthorized Practice of Law?
- W10: The New Era of ADA Compliance--What Does it Mean for Your Franchise System?
- W11: Joint Representation of Franchisors, Their Officers, Employees and Affiliates in Litigation
- W12: The Disappearing Franchisor
- W13: Vendor Rebates: Considerations in Drafting and Litigating
- W14: When is Control By Franchisors Out of Control?
- W15: The Art of the Dispositive Motion in Franchise Disputes
- W16: Go to the Head of the Line: How to Get Registered, Amended, Renewed or Exempted
- W17: The Franchisee Lawyer's Checklist: What Every Franchisee Lawyer Should Know
- W18: The Perils of Third Parties Selling or Servicing Your Brand: Broker, Area Representative and Area Developer Programs
- W19: The Unauthorized Use of Corporate and Individual Identities in Advertising Publicity and Privacy Rights in a Competitive Marketplace
- W20: Managing System Impact When Applicable Laws Change
- W21: Go East Young Franchisor: Franchising in Asia-Pacific Other Than China and India
- W22: The Fight Over Where to Fight: Removal, Transfer of Venue, and Compelling Arbitration
- W23: The Ultimate Remedy: Managing Regulatory Enforcement Actions
- W24: Comparison of the Trilogy: Common Law Fraud, Franchise Investment Laws and State Little FTC Laws
- Plenary: Speed Reading People: Techniques to Improve Communications and Enhance Outcomes