Centering Students' Rights in Our Democracy: A Case Study from Maryland's Eastern Shore
“Parents’ rights” advocates tried to undermine community efforts to address racism at school: What are strategies to protect a child’s right to learn?
Volume 57, Issue 3
“Parents’ rights” advocates tried to undermine community efforts to address racism at school: What are strategies to protect a child’s right to learn?
We recommend how municipalities can better support students in foster care and highlight recent promising practices from New York City and elsewhere.
How can family law attorneys help protect the educational rights of children with disabilities and their parents during divorce and custody proceedings?
Seventy years after Brown v. Board of Education, the articles here concern family law and children's educational rights.
Misuse of parental rights as imposed upon U.S. public school children risks erasing their diverse—and racialized —experiences, identities, and needs.
Rhetoric around menstrual cycles is being used in connection with partisan politics. We explore this phenomenon, especially in the context of schools.
What should courts consider when deciding the educational interests of a child whose parent is leaving an Ultra-Orthodox, or Haredi Judaism, community?
What are implications of the ALI’s new Restatement on Children and the Law as they relate to parental rights and children’s constitutional rights in public schools?
The impact of judicial decisions extends far beyond the home, impacting civil rights, disability justice, and more.