Trauma-Informed Advocacy and Domestic Abuse
The impetus is on family law practitioners to understand the trauma response in clients who have experienced trauma and the ways it affects their case.
Volume 47, Issue 2
The impetus is on family law practitioners to understand the trauma response in clients who have experienced trauma and the ways it affects their case.
Get tips on how family law attorneys can identify and address patterns of coercive control in non-assaultive domestic violence cases.
What is implicit bias? How do you know what your biases are? How does this affect your family law practice, especially when working with survivors of intimate partner violence?
Proving or disproving domestic violence can be difficult due to the he said-she said case nature of such cases. This article explores available tools, procedures, and rules that can lead to the disco…
The author reminds family law attorneys of the need for precautions for themselves and their staff due to the emotional and contentious nature of divorce and custody cases.
Divorce attorneys must remember domestic tort claims or risk committing catastrophic malpractice for failing to “inquire and inform” clients regarding claims that may otherwise have changed their ent…
Domestic violence often arises in domestic cases. This article addresses the hot-button issues that domestic violence brings to domestic cases, crimes of family violence, the Lautenberg Amendment, an…
A judge discusses the need to both value the parent-child bond and protect the child’s safety in family law cases involving domestic violence..
There is help for perpetrators of post-separation abuse, and attorneys can access that help for their clients, including through battering intervention programs.
This article will provide practical tips and strategies from a lawyer and domestic violence advocate team for helping to keep immigrant survivors safe and independent.
This issue will help inform family law practitioners about the nuances unique to working with clients who have experienced intimate partner abuse or domestic abuse or are defendants in such cases.
Our Section produces some of the most widely respected books addressing family law issues. The always relevant Family Advocate and the Quarterly are enormously helpful.
ART Law & Practice: Learn how attorneys can better protect intended parent clients in the face of limitations of domestic violence screening in a surrogacy arrangement.