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Written Content (Committee Articles)

Content: Substantive law under a committee's purview and related practice tips.
Submission Length: From 500 to 1,500 words.

Wide-ranging opportunities are available to write articles from a few paragraphs to 1,500 words in length. Topics can cover substantive areas of the law and related practice tips.

Recent committee articles can be found here.

If you would like more information about writing for committees, please contact the chair of the Special Committee on Written Content:

Susan Jane Brown
Silvix Resources
Portland, Oregon

Kevin Pregent
Delaware River Basin Commission
West Trenton, NJ


View current Call for Student Article Proposals here

Content: Current topics in the practice of environmental, energy, and resources law. Practice tips for those areas of law. Updates on Section programs and activities.
Submission Length: Articles of 750 to 1,000 words.

The Section’ newsletter, Trends, contains short articles on current issues in environmental, energy and resources law; as well as news of Section programs and events. It is published 6 times a year electronically.

If you would like more information about writing for Trends, please contact the editor-in-chief:

Thomas Lorenzen
Crowell & Moring LLP
Washington, DC

The Year in Review

Content: Significant developments in the law over the past year. Each committee determines its own scope.
Length: Chapter length is assigned and varies.

The Year in Review
 is the Section’s annual summary of significant developments in the law over the past year. Substantive committees are asked to contribute a chapter surveying developments in its purview. Chapter length is assigned and varies. Most committees have several committee members contribute to its chapter.

If you would like more information about contributing to The Year in Review, please contact the chair of the Special Committee on The Year in Review:

Megan E. Wagner
Legal Advocates for Indian Country
Tulsa, OK

Natural Resources & Environment

View current Call for Article Proposals here.

Content: Natural Resources & Environment (NR&E) is published quarterly, by season. Each issue publishes 9 to 10 feature articles reflecting the theme of a given issue. Regular departments include Insights, featuring short articles on hot topics and emerging issues in environmental, energy and resources law; Literary Resources, featuring reviews of books and periodicals of interest to the environment, energy, and resources bar; Interviews, featuring conversations with leaders in the environment, energy, and resources fields; and The Back Page, featuring expert commentary related to the issue’s main theme.

If you would like more information about writing a feature article for Natural Resources & Environment, please review the Information for Authors document, and contact the executive editor:

Andrea L. Rimer Brogdon
Troutman Pepper LLP
Atlanta, Georgia

Insights articles should be submitted to:
J.B. Ruhl
Vanderbilt University Law School
Nashville, Tennessee

Suggestions to review books or periodicals should be sent to:
Frederick H. Turner
U.S. Department of Justice
Washington, D.C.


Content: Topics in environmental, energy, and resources law.
Submission Length: Varies.

The Section’s publications program provides practical, authoritative publications in the areas of environmental, energy, and resources law. Potential book topics and book proposals are considered on the basis of the Section’s multi-year publishing plan.

If you would like more information about writing or editing Section books, please contact the chair of the Book Publishing Board:

Randolph (Randy) Hill
Washington, DC