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Like to Write?

Like to write and get national recognition? The American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER) is now soliciting student submissions for its May/June 2025 issue of Trends, a bi-monthly newsletter on new cases, regulations, and issues in environmental, energy and resources law. Is there a pending case before the Supreme Court that interests you? What about a major decision from a Court of Appeals or state Supreme Court? Has your state passed a new environmental law or recently implemented a regulation? You can also consider writing about the new Executive Orders (EOs) or other regulatory announcements by the new Administration affecting many in the environmental/energy/resources area.

The May/June 2025 issue of Trends will be reserved for publishing student pieces of 750-1,000 words. Please see the author guidelines, as well as the January/February 2025 issue for examples of Trends articles.

Submission Deadline: Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis up until March 1, 2025.

Timeline: The Trends Board, composed of experienced lawyers in the field, will select and notify successful applicants by mid-March. Board members will then assist in editing and finalizing the article for publication in an all-electronic format that will be posted on the ABA SEER website and distributed via e-mail notice to the 8,000 plus members of the Section.

Eligibility: Only students pursuing a law degree (JD, LLM, or JSD) are eligible to submit. At the time of submission, the student must be enrolled in the degree-granting program. (Non-students are ineligible to submit articles for the student issue but are welcome to submit to other issues of Trends.)

How to submit: Please email your submission to Thomas Lorenzen, Chayla Witherspoon, Norm Dupont, and Victor Wu

 Please include the following information [in this format] in your submission email:

         [Title of proposed article] [20-30 words on proposed scope—e.g., “This Supreme Court case deals with standing of parties who did not participate in a prior administrative proceeding to subsequently challenge the results of that proceeding to license off-site storage of nuclear waste.”][Author full name][*_____ is a ____-year JD/LLM/JSD student at ____.]