Implementing environmental justice—The ABA EJ Task Force
The ABA Environmental Justice Task Force aspires to advance environmental justice principles in ABA programming and activities and to work with governmental bodies to enact law.
Volume 54, Issue 3
The ABA Environmental Justice Task Force aspires to advance environmental justice principles in ABA programming and activities and to work with governmental bodies to enact law.
EPA’s recent work on environmental justice could be easily overturned by a future administration. It must publish a formal rule to preserve this critical work. Tempus fugit!
The Supreme Court has breathed new life into the major questions doctrine. Here’s how it is being used and what it might mean for future agency action.
West Virginia v. EPA diminishes the federal government’s toolbox for fighting climate change, making coordinated action across multiple sectors ever more essential.
The need for critical minerals means now is the time to act on mining reform. Twenty-first century domestic mineral production requires 21st century policies.
Sustainability Essentials provides key insights for lawyers who practice in the sustainability arena—which includes just about all of us.
Keep up with your fellow Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources members’ recent moves and noteworthy accomplishments.