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ABA Environmental Justice Task Force

The Environmental Justice Task Force (EJTF) has jurisdiction over matters affecting how both the ABA and its members address issues related to environmental justice in their practices.


ABA Resolution on Environmental Justice

The resolution calls on the association to advance environmental justice principles and considerations in its programs, policies and activities; and to work with governmental bodies to establish laws, regulations and other measures “that reflect the right of every human being to dignity and a clean and healthy environment.”

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Blueprint for Advancing Environmental Justice in and by the ABA

This Blueprint provides recommendations for implementation with the ultimate goal of institutionalizing concern, knowledge and actions related to environmental justices within the structure of the ABA.

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A Fresh Approach: ABA steps up efforts to advance environmental justice

Learn about the creation of the Environmental Justice Task Force and the work it is doing to support ABA's resolution on Environmental Justice. (ABA Journal | August 2022)

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Environmental Justice Resources Hub

This resource page serves as a forum for sharing knowledge about environmental justice in the legal field.

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Environmental Justice Clearinghouse

The Environmental Justice Clearinghouse, a first-of-its-kind online collection of resources related to environmental justice, will help the public access federal and non-federal resources online as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious environmental justice agenda.

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Additional Resources and Recordings

Embracing Environmental Justice

In 2022, the Section's Leadership Development Program members developed this PowerPoint presentation that explores ways in which the legal community can embrace environmental justice.

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Recording Now Available: What Does an Equitable Energy Transition Look Like?

Speakers explored the interrelated issues around the energy transition and energy justice in the U.S., including energy access, affordability, and environmental and climate justice.

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ABA Environmental Justice Task Force