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ABA Diversity Resources

A collection of ABA entities and their diversity-related resources prepared by members of the ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER).

ABA Journal Articles

SCOTUS should uphold long-standing precedent in case involving objection to same-sex marriage, ABA says

The ABA is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to again reject arguments by private businesses that claim First Amendment exemptions from laws that prohibit discrimination in the provision of public accommodations.

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Law firm leaders are still mostly white and male, ABA diversity survey says

White male attorneys continue to constitute the highest percentages of equity partners, non-equity partners and associates at law firms, according to an ABA report. It is the second ABA report on diversity, equity and inclusion in law firm practice.

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Heart and soul of ABA: Are we diverse enough?

The ABA Crossroads Caucus Promoting Diverse Viewpoints and Professionalism hosted a spirited discussion about the ABA and whether it fosters a sufficient variety of perspectives at its Midyear Meeting in February 2024.

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Guide: Implicit Biases & People with Disabilities

This resource, provided by the ABA Commission on Disability Rights, is intended to increase awareness of implicit biases, both in general and in particular with regard to persons with disabilities, and to offer techniques to help mitigate these biases.

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21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge

This resource was created to help advance deeper understandings of the intersections of race, power, privilege, supremacy and oppression. Each day presents a short assignment (listening to a podcast, watching a video, etc.).

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ABA Profile of the Legal Profession

The 2020 ABA Profile of the Legal Profession is a snapshot of a moment in time – a 150-page compilation of statistics and trends in 10 areas of the profession, including demographics, legal deserts, and law students.

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Fireside Chat with Past, Present, and Future ABA Presidents

This webinar, held in May 2023, featured past, present, and future ABA Presidents who discussed their perspectives and experiences and made constructive suggestions about how to encourage and support diversity as an effective ally in the workplace and as a member of the ABA.

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Addressing Inequality and Promoting Opportunity

In July 2020, the ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER) held an event titled, “Addressing Inequality and Promoting Opportunity.” The event recording includes discussion from diverse leaders of the environmental, energy, and natural resources bar who are champions of inclusion and diversity.

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