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30th Fall Conference

September 21-24, 2022 | Nashville, TN

Southwest Virginia—An Environmental Justice Region Ripe for Brownfield Solar Redevelopment
Josephus Allmond, Associate Attorney, southern Environmenal Law Center, Charlottesville, VA

51st Spring Conference on Environmental Law

April 6-8, 2022 | San Francisco, CA

California’s Approach to Co-Management of Natural Resources with California Native American Tribes
Merri Lopez-Keifer, Director, Office of Native American Affairs, Office of Attorney General, Sacramento, CA

29th Fall Conference

October 13-15, 2021 | Virtual Conference

Florida’s Assumption of Wetlands Permitting: Raising the Stakes by Lowering the Bar
Jaclyn Lopez, Center for Biological Diversity, St. Petersburg, FL

50th Spring Conference on Environmental Law

April 27-30, 2021 | Virtual Conference

Congratulations to the panelists of “Superfund: Redevelopment “In Situ”: How to Support Local Communities During a Brownfields Cleanup,” the collective recipients of the Best Paper Award. Rita Bolt Barker, Frank Gardner, Vernice Miller-Travis, and Clifford Villa’s paper submissions were selected in recognition of the thoughtful and effective way that they blended law, history and personal experience to drive home the importance of community engagement in the redevelopment process. 

28th Fall Conference: A Virtual Experience

October 19-27, 2020 | Virtual Conference

Legislative Approaches to PFAS chemicals in the 116th Congress
Melanie Benesh, Environmental Working Group, Washington D.C.

27th Fall Conference

September 11-14, 2019  | Boston, MA

Clean Water Act Section 401: Balancing States’ Rights and the Nation’s Need for Energy Infrastructure
Deidre G. Duncan and Clare Ellis Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP Washington, DC and San Francisco, CA

26th Fall Conference

October 17-20, 2018 | San Diego, CA

Disasters and Environmental Regulation
Robert R.M. Verchick, Gauthier-St. Martin Eminent Scholar and Chair in Environmental Law, Senior Fellow, Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy, Tulane University, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law, New Orleans, LA and Kaitlin Brockett, Class of 2020, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law

36th Water Law Conference

April 16-18, 2018 | Orlando, FL

There is No Free Lunch: The Endangered Species Act, The Public-Trust Doctrine and The Takings Clause
David Aladjem, Downey Brand LLP, Sacramento, CA

47th Spring Conference

April 18-20, 2018 | Orlando, FL

Tribes, Courts & Consultation
Hilary Tompkins, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC

25th Fall Conference

October 18-21, 2017 | Baltimore, MD

Beyond Dakota Access Pipeline: Why Embracing Tribal Consultation Makes Sense for the Energy Industry
Troy A. Eid, Greenberg Traurig LLP, Denver, CO