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How do I nominate someone for this award?

The selection of the award recepient is at the discretion of the Section Chair. Nominations are not accepted.

When are the awards bestowed?

This award is bestowed during the Section's Fall Conference.

Past Recipients

2023-2024 (Jeffery S. Dennis, Chair)

Bonnie L. Heiple
Randolph (Randy) L. Hill
Anna Kuperstein

2022-2023 (Jonathan W. Kahn, Chair)

Kyle Landis-Marinello
Achinthi Vithanage

2021-2022 (Michelle Diffenderfer, Chair)

Jonathan O. Nwagbaraocha
Manisha Patel

2020-2021 (Howard Kenison, Chair)

Monty Cooper
James R. May

2019-2020 (Karen A. Mignone, Chair)

Norman A. Dupont

2018-2019 (Amy L. Edwards, Chair)

John C. Dernbach

2017-2018 (John E. Milner,  Chair)

Channing J. Martin
Council Liason Coordinator and Council Liaisons: Linda Tsang, Angela Morrison, Lauran M. Sturm, Margaret E. Peloso, Pamela K. Elkow, Peter J. Gioello, Jr., and Richard J. Ericsson

2016-2017 (Seth A. Davis, Chair)

Lee A. DeHihns, III

2015-2016 (Pamela E. Barker, Chair)

Dana Jonusaitis

2014-2015 (Steven T. Miano, Chair)

Sheila Slocum Hollis

2013-2014 (William L. Penny, Chair)

Roger R. Martella, Jr.

2012-2013 (Alexandra Dapolito Dunn, Chair)

John E. Milner
John E. Thorson