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May 12, 2021 Columns

Message from the Chair

Congratulations. You made it through 2020. We’re glad you’re still here. And now comes the spring and all the hope and change and beauty and warmth it brings.

My column this issue is short and sweet.

Thank you for attending the Forum’s 2020 Annual Meeting. If you missed it, it was great. We presented 11 CLE panels spread over 4 days plus 7 panels that were pre-recorded. The entire Conference is available on the Forum’s page on the ABA website.

We are already planning the 2021 Annual Conference. Maybe it’s the spring but we remain hopeful (but realistic) that we can meet in person in Las Vegas this October. However, the ABA is not allowing in person meetings so our 2021 Annual Conference may have to be virtual. Either in person or virtual, we have planned an outstanding program of CLE panels, networking opportunities, and unique extracurricular activities.

We look forward to seeing you in person or virtually.

Until we can gather, I hope you all stay safe and healthy.

Peter Strand


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