Copyright Music Rates And Royalties In Today’s And Tomorrow’s World By Jeff Brabec and Todd Brabec This article examines music rates and royalties, how and by whom they are set and the intervention of the Department of Justice in the Consent Decree process.
Entertainment & Sports Paparazzi Lawsuits Against Celebrities: Ongoing Litigation By Joshua Azriel, PhD This article examines copyright law as it pertains to the paparazzi’s right to obtain legal protection for their creative works.
Entertainment & Sports More Than Meets the Ear: What to Expect from a Musicologist By George Saadi, The Musical Detective This article discusses the work of musicologists and their analysis of melody, harmony, rhythm, song structure, spatial organization, lyrics and more.
Entertainment & Sports Social Media Endorsement Activities Can Prompt Securities and Exchange Commission Liability for Celebrities By Michael J. Rivera and Abby Yi This article examines how celebrities should exercise caution when endorsing products in industries that are highly regulated by the government.
Internet Recent Shifts in Rogers v. Grimaldi: Looking for a Genuine Artistic Motive By Lynn M. Jordan This article discusses the Lanham Act and how it seeks to protect consumers against use of confusingly similar trademarks, and the First Amendment’s guarantee of the right of free speech.
Entertainment & Sports It’s a Partly Cloudy Day in the Rogers Neighborhood: Recent District of Colorado Decision in Stouffer v. National Geographic Flips the Script on Film and TV Title Clearance By Jason Vogel This article focuses on trademark law that protects brand names, company names, product names and similar indicia which enable consumers to identify the source of a product.
Legislation & Lobbying Delay of Game? The Time is Now for NIL Legislation By Jonathan Stahler, Esq. This article examines the proposed and pending name, image and likeness (NIL) legislation and its relevancy to the current and future impact of catastrophic events on student athletes.
Entertainment & Sports Litigation & Industry Updates By Michelle M. Wahl, Tyler Kennedy, Madison Amboian, Zachary Prociuk, Alexa Upton, and Kayla M. Stetzel This article discusses recent court decisions pertaining to copyright infringement, equal pay for women athletes, international sport matches and controlled composition clauses.
Entertainment & Sports Pitfall! Navigating the Tunnels With a Privacy-By-Design Framework By Sean Michael Ashworth This article examines privacy-by-design through its historical context and current state of law, while also consulting with jurisdictional guidance.
Trade Secrets The Promise and Perils of Commercial Partnering with a Personality By Jonathan Faber This article discusses the benefits of partnering with a personality, understanding best practices, and analyzing publicly-available sources of information concerning valuations.
Insurance Art Law 201: Painting the Picture of Sales of Art During a Global Pandemic By Emily Behzadi The 2020 pandemic has occasioned unprecedented challenges to the art market. This article examines how the art market has tried to adapt to this new unchartered territory.