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Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Margaret Drew

Special Advisor

Margaret Drew is Associate Professor and Director of Clinics and Experiential Learning at UMass Law. Previously Margaret taught at the University Of Cincinnati College Of Law, the University of Alabama College of Law and Northeastern University School of Law where she directed the schools’ domestic violence clinics.

For twenty five years prior to joining academia, Margaret represented survivors of intimate partner abuse in the district, family and appellate courts of Massachusetts. Margaret continues to represent survivors in civil protection order hearings and represents survivors in Appellate actions, as well. She is the author of several articles on domestic violence and its interplay with the family law legal system. In addition, she has written on lawyer malpractice in domestic violence cases and the interplay between domestic violence and the collaborative law process.

Margaret is a graduate of Northeastern University School of Law (JD) and Boston University Law School (LLM). Margaret is former chair and special advisor of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence.