April 16, 2024
Write & Tell Live: Chanel Miller took place on April 16, 2024, at 2:30 PT/5:30 ET to commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This conversation was a live event only, and a recording is not available.
Chanel Miller engaged in discussion on the power of telling survivor stories; how legal system actors should (and shouldn't) tell survivor stories; and how the legal system empowers and/or disempowers survivors. If you read Chanel Miller's powerful book Know My Name, you learned how multiple legal system actors and adjacent professionals failed to consider her humanity during their interactions and created more harm. We all have much to learn together.
The Commission's 2023 Sharon L. Corbitt Award winner Professor Beth Posner moderated the conversation.
Cosponsored by the ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty, Commission on Immigration, Criminal Justice Section, Family Law Section, Judicial Division, Section on Civil Rights & Social Justice, Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Defense, Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service, Commission on Women in Profession, and Young Lawyers Division