Darren Mitchell is a consultant on domestic violence and other violence against women issues, with a focus on child custody and domestic violence, firearms and domestic violence, interstate child custody, protection order issuance and enforcement, and full faith and credit. Since 2000, he has trained judges, attorneys, advocates, and other professionals across the country and has published several articles on these topics. His consulting clients include the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (for which he served as Interim Executive Director), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, the Center for Court Innovation, the Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women, the Battered Women’s Justice Project, and other national and state organizations. From 2005-2016, Mr. Mitchell was Co-Executive Director of the Legal Resource Center, a national nonprofit that provides training and technical assistance to attorneys and others who assist survivors of domestic violence in complex interstate custody cases. From 2001 to 2004, Darren managed the National Center on Full Faith and Credit (NCFFC), a Washington, D.C.,-based national training and technical assistance project of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Prior to that, he was a staff attorney with the NCFFC, a consumer advocate, a litigator in private practice, and a clerk of federal district court judge.