What work do you do with the Commission?
I am the liaison from the ABA Board of Governors.
What are your areas of expertise or what areas are particularly interesting to you?
I am a former trial lawyer and senior partner of a large law firm, where I was a litigator, mediator, and arbitrator. I also chaired the firm's higher education group. I am now the executive director of a nonprofit running a pipeline from high school through community college, 4-year university and into law school. Our mission is to diversify the legal system in California so accurately reflects the diversity of the people it serves.
Who inspires you?
My late husband who was a tireless worker for civil rights, diversity, and the rights of the underrepresented.
What are you currently reading?
I am reading a book called The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.
What inspires you, professionally and personally?
Passion, commitment, kindness, and generosity.
What are your hopes for the Commission this year?
To continue its extraordinary and far-reaching work.