Remember: the law is constantly changing! Please independently confirm the data you find here. Due to funding constraints, these charts are no longer actively being updated, and much of the information is likely out of date.
Civil Protection Orders
- Civil Protection Orders: Domestic Violence (6/2020)
- Civil Protection Orders: Domestic Violence (8/2016)
- Civil Protection Orders: Elder Abuse (7/2014)
- Civil Protection Orders: Sexual Assault (4/2015)
- Overview of CPO Protections for LGBT Victims (6/2013)
Animal Cruelty
- State Animal Cruelty Statues (prepared by Michigan State University Animal Law Legal Center)
DV/SV and Criminal Law
Forensic Evaluators
- State by State Survey Related to Forensic Evaluators (03/2012) (prepared by Fordham Law School, Feerick Center for Social Justice)
- Advocate Confidentiality Laws (prepared by the Confidentiality Institute)
- State Law Compendium: Housing Rights of Domestic Violence Survivors (prepared by the National Housing Law Project)
Gun Laws
- Domestic Violence and Guns: State by State (prepared by the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence )