The Commission on Women in the Profession held the fourth and last webinar of the series The Financial Future Is Female: Women Lawyers and Wealth Creation titled “The Six Pillars of Financial Wellness” on January 25, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. ET. This webinar provided a holistic approach to the six pillars of financial wellness, including why it is crucial to financially plan ahead for caregiving and methods on how to do it. Panelists shared solutions and tips regarding investing, planning for retirement, charitable giving, and more. This webinar was intended to provide lawyers in any stage of their career with practical resources and advice to be better equipped to plan for their financial future. Panelists included CWP Commissioner Jin Hwang (moderator), founder and CEO, Jinvesting Consulting LLC, former associate general counsel, Verizon; Ginger Brennan, senior vice president, ABA Retirement Funds; and Jessica Tuman, vice president, Voya Cares Center of Excellence at Voya Financial.