Diversity & Inclusion How We Lift as We Climb By Lelia Mooney Lelia Mooney stresses the importance of adding permanency to the recent trend of making institutions and organizations more inclusive and equitable.
Diversity & Inclusion Continuing Our Conversations on Gender Equity By Maureen Mulligan Commission on Women in the Profession Chair Maureen Mulligan explains the need for continued conversations on gender equity, particularly as COVID-19 has highlighted differences between men and women’s work situations and family obligations.
Diversity & Inclusion Men in the Mix Report and Toolkit Released The recently-released Men in the Mix report and toolkit is the result of focus group research where men and women discussed obstacles that men face when becoming allies for gender equity.
Diversity & Inclusion CWP Sponsors Day of Conversation: April 27, 2021 Join the CWP on April 27, when they will host a Day of Conversation to address reducing bias and promoting equity in the legal workplace.
Diversity & Inclusion Co-sponsorship of “GOOD Guys: Judicial Edition” Program at Midyear Meeting with NCWBA At the 2021 ABA Midyear Meeting, the CWP co-sponsored the virtual program “GOOD Guys: Judicial Edition—Calling All GOOD Guys: Male Leaders Are Key to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion” with the National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations (NCWBA).
Diversity & Inclusion Co-sponsorship of Resolution Regarding Childcare with Coordinating Group on Practice Forward The CWP recently worked with the ABA Coordinating Group on Practice Forward to introduce Resolution 300B, which pushes for funding and support of childcare and family care.