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May 20, 2020 CWP News

This Talk Isn’t Cheap: Guided Conversations Project Moves Forward

The Commission on Women in the Profession continues to develop its Guided Conversations toolkit, designed to promote conversations in the workplace on racial dynamics, as part of its Women of Color Research Initiative. (More information about the initiative can be found at

To accompany the release of the research report “This Talk Isn’t Cheap: Women of Color and White Women Attorneys Find Common Ground,” the Commission is working on written introductions to three recorded vignettes featuring actress, playwright, teacher, and author Anna Deavere Smith (“Look in the Mirror,” “A Heavy Sense of Resignation,” and “Injury”). In addition, discussion questions are being developed along with a run-of-show description for facilitators and an annotated bibliography of recommended additional reading.

This Talk Isn't Cheap Toolkit is available, here.

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