Career Leap, and a Net Will Appear By Carolyn A. Dubay Carolyn A. Dubay has some advice for young lawyers based on her life: Don’t be afraid to take risks, as a world of opportunity awaits.
Lawyer Wellness A New Year and New Beginnings By Stephanie A. Scharf CWP Chair Stephanie A. Scharf shares exciting resources the Commission will launch in 2020 to help women lawyers focus on their career and life goals.
Career 2020 Margaret Brent Awards Nominations Close on January 24, 2020 There is still time to nominate a colleague for a 2020 Margaret Brent Award.
Career Men in the Mix Program Finalized for Midyear Meeting in Austin, TX, in February Learn why and when men engage in issues traditionally considered “women’s issues” in the law.
Career Spring Summit for Advancing Women in the Law Register now for the Spring Summit for Advancing Women in the Law.