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September 19, 2019 CWP News

CWP Continues Men in the Mix Project

The Commission on Women in the Profession completed its Men in the Mix Project focus groups on August 12 in San Francisco at Latham and Watkins, LLP. Ray Marshall, partner, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter, and Hampton LLP; Wayne Stacy, partner, Baker Botts, and author; Miguel Molina, litigation counsel, Hewlett Packard Enterprise; and Hilary Ware, vice president and associate general counsel of litigation and regulatory affairs, Netflix, served on our distinguished panel. Katherine Larkin-Wong, associate, Latham and Watkins, LLP, moderated, and Alan Bryan, senior associate general counsel, Walmart Inc., gave an introduction. Anne Collier of Arudia facilitated a series of small focus groups with the audience after the presentation.

The findings from the three Men in the Mix events are being analyzed and will eventually be used as the basis for a toolkit that women and men lawyers and their institutions can use to engage male colleagues as partners for women’s success.

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