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November 19, 2019 CWP News

Commission Cosponsors “Competition Policy and Economics: What’s Gender Got to Do With It?”

The Commission will cosponsor with the ABA Section of Antitrust Law an exciting half-day program on November 19 in Washington DC that will explore the ties between gender and competition policy, enforcement, and economics. Following opening remarks from Federal Trade Commission Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter, attendees will hear U.S., Canadian, and international speakers (including from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Canadian Competition Bureau) discuss whether gender gaps exist in data and enforcement decisions and whether that should drive competition policy. A second panel will discuss whether traditional antitrust economics has built-in biases and whether we should rethink our analysis of markets or harms. For more information and to register go to: or for a teleconference option go to This event is also cosponsored by the Canadian Bar Association’s Competition Law Section.

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