A CLE conference titled “Leading, Litigating, and Connecting” will be jointly presented in Chicago on November 11–13 by the ABA Woman Advocate Committee, Women in Insurance Network, and Women in Products Liability Subcommittee in conjunction with the ABA Section of Litigation. Building on the successful 2014 conference of the same name, the two-day seminar will offer a new format with three separate program tracks on Thursday, November 12, focusing on (1) trial skills, (2) insurance, and (3) products liability, followed by joint plenary tracks on Friday, November 13. The conference will begin with committee welcome receptions and networking dinners on Wednesday, November 11, organized by each committee. A joint networking reception and dinner will be held on Thursday, November 12. Watch for details about the conference at www.americanbar.org/groups/litigation/events_cle.