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Big News! The ABA approved Resolution 601 on August 6th

By adopting Res 601, the ABA supports the creation of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Battle Isn’t Over Yet! We will continue to work for the publication of the 28th Amendment. We are closer than ever, and we are not giving up until equal-sex equality is a reality for everyone in our nation.

Learn the timeline of the ERA - Watch the video

ABA updates policy with focus on renewing ERA effort

The new ABA resolution supports two important legal principles: (1) a deadline for ratification of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution is not consistent with Article V of the Constitution, and (2) under Article V states are not permitted to rescind prior ratifications. The resolution urges support of ERA implementation by the legal community and all federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments.

Resolution with Report

Resolution 601 Adopted - Watch the video

Women’s Equality Day is August 26th

One hundred and four years ago, American women won the right to vote with the ratification of the 19th Amendment, bringing us closer to living up to our Nation’s most fundamental values of dignity, fairness, freedom, and equality. On Women’s Equality Day, we recognize the courage of generations of visionaries who fought tirelessly for the sacred cause of women’s suffrage and all those who continue to work toward a more equitable future for women and girls in America.

Read - The White House Statement