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“Empowering Your Own Financial Future: An Overview”

At any stage in your career, you can begin to focus on creating your own wealth and apply practical methods in setting your own path. Not everyone’s path is the same, and a panel of three women lawyers from different demographics and career stages share their experience with wealth creation and the barriers they may have faced.

“Young Lawyers: A Deep Dive on Debt, Health, and Wealth"

This webinar is intended to empower young lawyers early in their career to take control of their finances, and have the knowledge to overcome the barriers facing them as they create long term financial health and wealth. It focuses on helping young lawyers implement strategies to manage debt and create long term financial health and wealth.

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“The Workplace Caregiver Challenge and Its Impact on Wealth”

This webinar is intended to empower lawyers in any stage of their career where they find themselves needed to take care of a loved one and provide them with the knowledge to better navigate the responsibilities of caregiving. It focuses on challenges that face caregivers as they try to balance caregiving and work and provide guidance on how to navigate this responsibility.

“The Six Pillars of Financial Wellness”

As 2022 started with New Year’s resolutions about money and personal finance, this webinar provides a holistic approach to the six pillars of financial wellness, including why it is crucial to financially plan ahead for caregiving and methods on how to do it. This webinar is intended to provide lawyers in any stage of their career with practical resources and advice to be better equipped to plan for their financial future.

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