* Resource topics are listed by category on the left-side menu.
General Information and Resources
- Them.us is an abridged list of state and local-level groups fighting for LGBTQ+ justice and survival across the U.S.
- Legal Resistance Network: for attorneys interested in supporting our work.
Transgender Law Center - Legal Information Helpdesk: for trans community members and our friends and family looking for legal information or support. Transgender Law Center
- Livestreams: Lilia’s livestreams are a collection of over 50 colorful conversations with opinion-leaders on a variety of topics of interest to trans people as well as their loved ones.
- Tips for Lawyers Working with Transgender Clients and Coworkers
Transgender Law Center - Trans Agenda for Liberation: A community-led guide towards the world we deserve
Transgender Law Center
- The full "Injustice at Every Turn" report, with breakdowns by race and ethnicity. "Injustice at Every Turn" is a survey of over 6,400 transgender people detailing the discrimination faced by this community.
- Transgender Lives: Your Stories, is an interactive campaign created by The New York Times to allow transgender people to tell their own stories in their own words.
- I AM: Trans People Speak, is a campaign created by the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) and sponsored by GLAAD to raise awareness about the diversity of transgender communities. It lifts the voices of transgender individuals, as well as their families, friends, and allies.
- The Trans 100 is an annual list of 100 amazing and inspiring trans Americans who are visible within their communities.
- Name Change Project; Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF)
- Trans Student Equality Resources (TSER), provides trans*related information on school issues and supports efforts for creating policy change in school districts.
- Finding a Voice: A Guide to Gender Affirming Voice and Communication Training; from the Speech Pathology Masters Programs website.
This guide highlights the resources and information relevant to individuals that may be transitioning or of gender diverse populations. The guide includes a glossary of terms related to this that can be beneficial for those wishing to support someone, as well as provide further education into the topic.